James Moritz wrote:
Dear Valerio, LF group,
I recorded signals from IK5ZPV from 2000 - 2025, and 2130 -
2155 last night - a broad trace was visible on the spectrogram, and
Wolf decoded the message within the first data frame with both
recordings, so I guess Valerio was running higher power than at
the end of last week. Indicated frequency offset was approximately
+0.4Hz. After about 2145, the BPSK disappeared, and a CW
carrier was visible, which would have been 'O' copy 3s/dot QRSS.
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU
Jim and others,
My power was 60 W in antenna untill 21:20 UTC, than i switched to 30 W.
The stop in modulation was due to a crash in my computer.
This evening start again at 20:00 UTC but with 10 W.
73 de IK5ZPV,Valerio