G3NYK asked if anyone has worked EA yet.
I worked EA last year xband. He was on 3570 khz and my signal on 136.6
His qth was on the CT/EA border and he gave me 579. My signal about the
same strength in MALTA. LF activity does not seem to be spreading across
EU as I expected. I suppose it hardly justifies the effort for so little
activity, except maybe weekends, in fact normal cw seems to be declining
on 136 khz.
In discussions with others about getting on LF there seems to be a few
problems to overcome apart from antenna effort. They are rusty on cw
because they have not used it for years if EVER. They are not capable of
building the necessary TX, they do not or cannot grasp the slow cw or
WOBBLE mode of operation, never used a soldering iron.
Most radio amateurs these days are APPLIANCE operators
This is not the band for APPLIANCE operators although we do have some.
de G3KEV