This really is a nice piece of software. It is easy to run, is very
sensitive and continues to run when you are working on another
program in a foreground window.
I really like the easy switch from entire band waterfall to narrow
band scrolling, but I find the frequency accuracy on the display is
not good. When changing from wide to narrow, the displayed
frequency (shown as the frequency of the strongest signal) can alter
by tens of Hertz, and when moving the scrolling display from the
bottom to the top of the band the frequency display becomes
inaccurate. Is this a function of the software, the clock on my
computer or my sound card? It isn't really a problem as I can
calibrate against 60kHz on the second VFO on the Rx, but it would
be nice if the display was consistent.
I am using the 'squared' display which seems more sensitive for
very weak signals than normal.
Well done and thanks.
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)