Hi all First my thanks to Alberto for spectrum of SXV. I can see
that you all are correct. There is much more energy between 135.7 and
135.8 than there is between 135.9 and 136.0 THEREFOR::
please transmit QRSS sigs from EU between 135.9 and 136.0 . I
checked Loran lines this AM If you add200 Hz to your 135.7 kHz freq we
should be OK
I don't know what I see from Jack's House I will have E_MAIL there.
If CFH is transmitting and I see more crap at 135.9 I may ask you all to
QSY back down to 135.7. But for this week lets try 135.9 up.
Last night I watched until 0730 SVX was big at 1357.7 or so. DCF39
was S-7 between 2327 and 2400. Ihad to leave between 0030 and 0300.
AT 0300 128.9 was S-5 . IT rose to S-6 between 0356 and 0422. At
0422 it was S-3 falling to S-1 at 0520. It came peaking at 0715 at
I thought I saw dashes from G3XTZ from 0625 I lost them at 0641.
SXV disappeared at 0614.
It is conceivable that I had trouble with 1 watt erp sigs in fall
due to SXV . I saw it often but didn't realize what it was until I put
on the earphones one night and heard the a RTTY . The lower freq of
SXV is below 135.7 and it is not on my screen
73 de John VE1ZJHope to see you tonight pse EMAIL FREQ