Hi Rik, Hi All,
I suggest you wait until I get on the air with my dipole. It's only 12 m
above ground, works quite well on RX and the first tests telle me that
it's going to work on TX.
But, as you say, what's going to happen in real world?
73, Mark, F6JSZ
P.S. Why did I choose a dipole? The fact is that I have the place
necessary to install one, and I wanted to try another system to
eliminate all that coil and variometer business. Tests will prove if the
system works... or not!
Rik Strobbe a *crit :
Fact is that stations with long (ad low) horizontal wires (ie. OH1TN,
DJ9IE) produce very strong signals, but that only indicates that they
effecient antennas, not nessecarily horizontal polarized.
73, Rik ON7YD