Hello friends,
and thanks for all the e-mail.
Yesterday I have tested a replacement for my LF antenna and had two nice
QSO's with G3LDO and DL1SAN.
I don't know if the thing I'm using can be called an antenna but it
seems to radiate (SWR is terrible). It would be too confusing to
describe it, so I call it the chaos antenna. I have put up as high in
the air what I've found in my junk box, including a 0.75mH loading coil
at 17m. It is an inductively and capacitively loaded multi-wire zig-zag
antenna, including parts of a broken helical vertical.
Anyway it will certainly not survive a storm and I hope it stays up
until next summer when I will replace it by something more robust.
The storm last year was the worst we ever had and up here every roof was
damaged and the forest looks like after a nuclear war. There is still a
lot of work, but now everything is covered with snow and ice.
In addition we have been attacked by a very bad millennium bug. But
instead of the computers it "crashed" the operators and my doctor said
it was an influenza virus.
73 de Toni, HB9ASB