First of all, a Merry Christmas to everyone (yes, there are 12 days in
Christmas so it's still time).
Before leaving for a long drive, my neighbour phoned me to ask if I had
a CB set that he could borrow from me. I don't have this sort of
apparatus in my archives, so I decided to lend him one of my mobile HF
rigs (he is a careful person).
However, the IC-706MKIIG didn't transmit on 27 MHz. A quick look at some
ftp files on the Internet gave me the solution: unsolder that diode,
reset the CPU and there you go.
Back from travel, my neighbour told me that the unit performed
flawlessly and that he had been very happy with it. I knew this already.
However, when I fired up the transceiver, I flipped the VFO down on 136
kHz and accidentally pressed the PTT switch... It transmits!
I tuned the main station's rig on the same frequency to confirm my
discovery: I could hear myself speaking!
The problem is that there isn't enough power coming out, since the
internal power meter doesn't even give a sign of life. I don't have the
schematics of the unit, neither do I have the characteristics of the
output transistors. They're referenced Motorola SRF J7044 (two for HF/50
MHz, one for 144/430 MHz). I suppose that the output circuits are not
designed for such frequencies. But what about the transistors? Does
anyone have any specs about them? I've had a look on the Motorola
Website, but this specific reference doesn't appear anywhere.
Maybe I could use the transceiver as a driver for an amplifier, who knows?
73, Mark, F6JSZ