from HB9ASB, JN36pt
The WX was to nice to spend much time in the shack. But QRN was low and
QRM (as most of the time at this location) non-existent.
Sunday morning I heard the following stations in normal CW (Harris
RF590, 18m top loaded helix):
OK1FIG, 559 (two S-units stronger at HB9DCEs location)
DL1SAN, 579
DJ1RL, 559
DK1IS, 559
GW4ALG, 339, wkd
DL3FDO, 559, to fast for my poor CW, RX?
OZ1KMR, 449, first time I heard OZ!
HB9DCE, 599+ desperately calling for OK1FIG
Nothing to hear from OE5EEP/5: probably due to the "worst case path"
between us. The waves have to travel all the way across the alpine
HB9DCE, who had a QSO (first OE-HB) is 140km more in the north and
therefore in a better position. Would be nice to try OE at night with a
little help of the ionosphere.
73 de Toni