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LF: I've come back

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: I've come back
From: Ed Lesnichy <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 16:07:06 +0400
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Organization: Ed Lesnichy
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Dear LF enthusiasts,
after a long period of time I've appeard in LF list again and on LF

I'll check(repair?) and test my LF eq on the next weekend (29 sep-1 oct)

I've  read a lot of interesting news in rsgb_lf_group list and here're
some of my comments:

1.  Dick PA4VHF - I'm very much interested in LX on LF - good luck you
in the LF DXpedition to LX! Pse info abt QTH-loc in Wiltz, LX

2.  Dick  PA4VHF and all - since 2002 I've made and proceed for myself
an excel database on the LF/MF enthusiasts - look on my www   abt 38K in zip
...may be it will be interesting.

3. Laurence in BY and ZLs and VKs - I'll make beacons for you - info

4. Congrats to Dex W4DEX and Conard WS4S with the first amateur 2way QSO on
500kHz !

Sam RN6BN has informed me, that he will be also active on LF in this season

I've updated some parts on my site (History, Best QSOs, LF DXpeditios)

"I'll be back" ;-))

73! Ed RU6LA

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