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LF: UA9 on the LF... Was: QRS keyer

To: "136kHz Reflector" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: UA9 on the LF... Was: QRS keyer
From: "Jerry Sidorov" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 18:13:33 +0500
Organization: UA9AR
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi guys,

got a couple of messages yesterday. Now some additional info follows...

QRA locator is MO05qd. It seems to me approx. 4500km between UA9A land
and Europe... Hope is extremely high vertical antenna... The legal power
level is 100W in Russia.

Today was a conversation with owner of this BC radiostation... Probably,
we'll got a permission! Anyway, I'll start to prepare rig and
software... I've got Kenwood TS-570D, Texas Instruments Pentium-133
notebook with 80MB RAM and integrated Sound Blaster. I should build
136kHz transverter or cristall controlled transmitter (if sensitivity of
TRCVR is enough for 136). The main problem is PA...

It seems to me it'll take two-three months to prepare.

Jerry UA9AR

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  • LF: UA9 on the LF... Was: QRS keyer, Jerry Sidorov <=