For a very good book on DSP look at WWW.DSPGUIDE.COM
Title "The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing"
by Steven W Smith
To quote from the preface :
"This book was written for Scientists and Engineers........ The goal is
to present practical techniques while avoiding the barriers of detailed
mathematics and abstract theory"
Just what I like, and based the few bits I've read so far appears to be
true. Charles, G4GUO, described it as the best intro book for DSP he
had ever seen.
Unusually, it can be downloaded FREE in .PDF format, as well as
purchased online for $64 plus P&P. Each chapter (35 files in total) is
a separate file and has to be downloaded one at a time. I suggest
downloading and reading FRONTMAT.PDF first which contains the index, and
means you only need to download interesting chapters as and when.
I intensely dislike reading from the computer screen, printing out each
page on a Laserprinter costs considerably more than buying the book and
takes ages from Acrobat reader, so an order has been sent............
Andy G4JNT
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