Hi Albert,
congrats to your extremely rare spots on MW by two different Japanese stations.
Great job.
IIRC so far only DB0ABR has made it from Europe to Japan on MW in WSPR
exactly once a few years ago.
Presently BC-DXers report very good conditions on MW to Asia,
so maybe you get some more spots from over there?
P.S. It was interesting reading on your homepage about your station for MW.
Impressive setup!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [email protected]
>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Albert
>Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2018 8:42 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: LF: MF WSPR2
>To day another nice one, from Japan
> 2018-12-22 18:52 PA0A 0.475790 -27 0
> JO33de 2 JH1INM PM95iq 9121
> 37
>73, Albert
=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient> Virenfrei.