Hi Ko,
Thanks for the gram. After processing it with Paint Shop Pro, I too can read
VA3LK twice there. It is just just clear enough to be sure.
That is interesting because the previous night I had success, but you
didn't, confirming the explanation that Alan and others have given of the
way the D layer works.
Also most interested to read your remarks about how switching in a 50Hz
filter got rid of the static.
Fortunately I use a loop for Rx, so shouldn't get the static power (or is it
dynamic power, hi) to light bulbs from the vertical.
Won't attach the post-processed image to this e-mail, (mine never get
through) but will post it on my web-page if you agree, of course with
acknowledgement of source. I am sure others would be interested to see it.
At this end, I could at times see traces of a line at one or other of the
two frequencies, but not enough to be sure it was not just imagination.
Will also post image of our guys on my web-site. Saw G0MRF blow FETs one
time, with quite quick recovery, minutes rather than the days it would take
me, hi.
73, John, G4CNN
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