Hi Uwe, thanks for the screen shot. Much stronger with me but exactly
the same frequency, please see the my web pages. I have been observing
this signal on and off for about a week now but I thought it was my neighbour
in La Coruña improving his system and testing. 73, Brian
At 22:47 15/09/2002 +0200, you wrote:
Brian Rogerson schrieb:
Does anyone want to claim the signal on 135.923KHz
or is it a commercial station?
73, Brian
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W
Hi Brian,
I do observe an A0 on 135.923,239 kHz 24 hours up to now.
see attachment.
wld u pse sent ur screenshot and the exact QRG ?
hagas el favor
Uwe/dj8wx Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="135A.JPG"
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="135A.JPG"
Content-MD5: YkEuSXv2SqdLptndZLIirQ==
Attachment Converted: "C:\EUDORA\Attach\135A.jpg"
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W