Hello Group,
Having assembled some hardware I am now trying to drive it
from the Com port of a computer. I am not a programmer
but have used QB45. I find that a simple QB45 routine will
run under DOS:
via COM1 at 9600Bd but not COM2 or at 19200Bd.
I assume this to be a limitation of QB45 since the computer will
successfully run a test proramme under DOS on both ports at
both speeds.
A quick look at Visual Basic cut down v4 off the front of a
magazine circa 1995 talks about MSCOMM32. Further
a search of www turns up a vast array of information on the
deficiencies of VB and others in relation to serial communication.
Is there a later version of QB45 or variant which will successfully
run under 95/98/ME or new drivers which will allow QB45 to run?
Is it time to forget QB45? If so which language should I start learning
(has to be simple). Or is it time to change operating systems?
Any advice would be gratefully received.
73, Brian
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W