Dear All,
Following the launch of two very powerful facilities in SpecLab namely:
scheduled waterfall capture and scheduled export of Xcel compatible text files
it is possible to automate a PC data logger to look at the band and to plot
the peak amplitude of various signals in various bandwidths, the frequency
of each of those peak amplitudes and the noise floor. I have implemented
such a trial scheme to look at DCF39, CFH, 136KHz, the TA slot and SXV.
The intention is that my web pages should be updated around 0700utc
each morning. There is also a bonus, since Laurie G3AQC puts a very good
signal into this location there is a slot at 135915 to 135927Hz which is
automatically plotted, so if you want to try out your transmitter feel free,
the period between points plotted is 90s so any transmission must exceed
this several times to be useful.
The URL for SpecLab is:
My sincere thanks to Wolf DL4YHF for all his help and patience.
73, Brian
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W