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Re: LF: [TECH] IK5ZPV received yet again

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: [TECH] IK5ZPV received yet again
From: "Brian Rogerson" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 20:31:12 +0000
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <2088.200104051422@gemini>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>

Not so good tonight.  Street lights came on at 1907utc
and goodbye low noise level!

About 14min recording finishing at 1940utc

C:\Wolf>wolf -q wolfrc.wav -r 8018.514 -f 800
WOLF version 0.52
t:  24 f: 0.916 a:-1.1 dp:103.8 ci:10 cj:434 EAM/PH/1IB/WQHM ?
t:  48 f: 0.406 a:-1.5 dp:100.4 ci: 8 cj: 30 5OKBU5HREJN2ZBI ?
t:  96 f: 0.497 a:-0.3 dp: 97.9 ci:13 cj:227 44/NM.XF9R596*H -
t: 192 f:-0.684 pm: 121 jm:475               TWIGXPOJMEEE85U -
t: 288 f:-0.264 pm: 146 jm:610               03YUH5/MQ*.C/WX ?
t: 384 f:-0.938 pm: 206 jm:773               OHH1.DKYWKQ RH4 ?
t: 480 f: 0.879 pm: 227 jm:717               N95XW5/2T8L1LAU ?
t: 576 f:-0.068 pm: 260 jm:512               TSTIK5ZPV       -
t: 672 f:-0.068 pm: 264 jm:512               RNSCTNK2 ZE*6O3 ?
t: 768 f:-0.068 pm: 284 jm:512               P*SK47B250M67L2 ?
t: 864 f:-0.547 pm: 293 jm:638               Q4*F 3T3G09P3/4 ?
t: 960 f:-0.547 pm: 319 jm:638               C*U2DX6W6DIRB/G ?

Now 2030utc and have no other decode.

73, Brian

At 17:37 05/04/01 +0200, you wrote:
Many thanks for the report to Brian, Mike and James.
I will be on the air again this evening, starting at 19:00 UTC to 22:00
UTC with 20 W of antenna imput power.
I'm courious to see at what power level my wolf signal is again readable
in Great Britain.

'73, Valerio

73 Brian     CT1DRP     IN51QD     41 09 58N  08 39 11W

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