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Re: LF: AF-filters and CW versus SlowCW

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: AF-filters and CW versus SlowCW
From: "M. Bruno" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 21:22:22 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
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Sender: <[email protected]>
At 14.51 01/04/99 +0100, Mike Dennison wrote:

This is most interesting. I note that Toni agrees with Marco's assumption that there is no benefit using longer dots - I presume that the averaging control was altered to the optimum for each of these measurements, to perhaps 15 for 3s dots and 50 for 10s.

My experience on-air is that static bursts are very much reduced (or even eliminated) when setting the averaging control to a higher value. It would seem reasonable, then, for 10s dots to work better under noisy conditions than 3s.

I agree. The 3 sec time is optimal with white noise QRN or short
'cracks', but many time I would have preferred to have 6 or 10 seconds
when receiving with Lux or heavy statics.

My personal preference is to have no smoothing, and use 300 msec dwell
time. My eye-brain SW likes to do the smoothing by itself ...  ;-)


My loading coil is restored, I'm QRV for the weekend.

73 to all

Marco IK1ODO

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