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Re: LF: Summary of the OE Activity of July 31, 1999

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Summary of the OE Activity of July 31, 1999
From: "Rik Strobbe" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 09:58:58
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Questions: Does anybody know how to calculate/estimate/measure the
efficiency of our wire antenna to determine our ERP power?
Does anybody know of previous OE activities on 136kHz or is ours the
very first OE-DL contact as some of our QSO partners say?

The antenna is rather unusual but if you look at it as a 'Marconi' then you
should have an almost infinite topload (compared to the 13m vertical section).
The radiation resistance of a short vertical monopole with infinite topload is

   Ra = 160 x (Pi * l/L)^2

where Ra = radiation resistance, Pi = 3.1415... , l = antenna height, L =
wavelength and ^2 = squared.

So as a 'wild guess' I would estimate Ra as 0.055 Ohms (55 milliOhms).

Your ERP further depends on the antennacurrent (Ia) : ERP = Ra x Ia^2

73, Rik  ON7YD

Rik Strobbe  ON7YD
[email protected]
Villadreef 14  B-3128 Baal  BELGIUM   (JO20IX)

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