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Re: LF: Re: PA0SE and LF sourcebook

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Re: PA0SE and LF sourcebook
From: "Rik Strobbe" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:58:08
In-reply-to: <002a01bed80f$9a23d060$2296b38f@w8k3f0>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
At 10:58 27/07/99 +0200, PA0SE wrote:
Even on the amateur HF-bands the noise level is almost always over S2 or so.
At my location on 80 m daytime noise is about S4. On 40 m a bit lower.

I suspect that the noise on 136 kHz at my QTH is above avarage. I think it
must be lower at quite a few stations I have worked.

At my QTH noise is rather low, with the 'big' TX-antenna that is located
about 30m from the house. Few weeks ago I tested a small loopantenna indoor
and noise was awfull. The 1 meter loop produced about 6dB more noise level
than the big outdoor vertical and signals were about 20dB down on the
indoor loop.
So the overall S/N ratio was at about 26dB worse.
Placing the loop in the back yard at about 25m from the house resulted in
the same S/N on loop and vertical.

My tip : try to place your RX-antenna as far away as possible from
'civilisation' and use good coax between antenna and RX. I have bad
experience with the shielding of cheap RG58.

73, Rik

Rik Strobbe  ON7YD
[email protected]
Villadreef 14  B-3128 Baal  BELGIUM   (JO20IX)

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