Hi LF-ers....
I'm very often in northern Slovakia about 10km from Polish border,
so I have an interest for the LF activity from SP. I just received an E-mail
from HQ PZK (Polish Radioamateur Association). 136kHz is still not alowed in
Poland, but the request has been send to the Polish PTT and it's still in
process. I'm interesting to step up the LF activity in eastern Europe. As I
know, only few stations are active (YO2IS and HA6PC). 136kHz is alowed in
some countries (Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, Estonia) but still no activities.
In that reason I agree with Dave G3YXM "...Let's make Sunday, "CW actrivity
day", people listen then and if they hear nothing they won't bother to get
on the band.....". But to increase the activity in that part of Europe, you
must have a good CW signal around whole Europe. I'm in the central Europe,
but it's the corner of the LF activities. Most of the stations are from
Germany and UK and the majority of all my worked stations are more than
700km faraway. If you put the station in the air from UK, you may work a lot
of stations in range about 300km in a few days. But let's try here, I have
only 3 LF stations in around 250km ! I have some friends who are often on
136kHz and listening for the stations spoted in the DX-cluster. On the
average top band antenna they have a possibility to hear only a few stations
with a very good signal. I was a very active station on 160m and I know that
working DX stations with low power (100W and less) on top band is waste of
time. The same count here. The only way, how to increase the activity on the
band and bring some more hams between us, is the way of increasing the power
and growing our antennas.
73 de Rich OM2TW