Hallo LF-ers...
Yes, contest is not very good idea. Look on HF bands every weekend.
But we could do more publicity. I do it in Slovakia and I do my best. In our
hamradio magazine Radiozurnal are LF articles in every issue. Or...in two
weeks (9.juni 2001) will be the HAM meeting in Borovce (Slovakia) and I'll
demonstrate the LF station there. I hope, some stations will be on the band.
I'll operate with portable antenna, so my signal will be not so strong. I'll
try to operate some CW station in OM, OK, OE and HA and some QRSS long
distance QSOs. I hope, see you all on saturday 9.juni 2001 from 6.00 untill
14.00 UTC on 136kHz.
Best regards...73 de Rich OM2TW