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Re: LF: UA3DJG Crimea 137 KHz full-size dipole ant experiment

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: UA3DJG Crimea 137 KHz full-size dipole ant experiment
From: Roman <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2019 09:56:51 +0300
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In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hello Genossen LF Funkamateurs!

Nikolay UA3DJG planning to TX a beacon 

137.561 KHz ( WSPR-2 ), 137.523 KHz ( Opera-32 ),  137.779 KHz ( DFCW-60 ), 
137.000 KHz ( CW ) 

from 5 to 8 of July 2019 in the field day action in Crimea -  QTH : KN74CO ( 
Kemal-Egerec mountain, 1529 m ), reserve QTH : KN74GU ( Kara-Tau mountain,  
1262 m ).
The ant is 400*400 m's NVIS dipole. 25/250W output in the reason of 220V 
generator load.
Primary reason is VHF field day, of course.
Nikolay planning to TX 24h! Some time 25W in the periods of the great generator 
load  - and 250W in the periods of the low generator load.
6 and 7 of July may be some switched off for a few time in the reason to use 
full power 220V generator for VHF field day.

Link to russian forum:,18.msg24190.html?PHPSESSID=d108a71cfa978f86dd46c8e203726008#msg24190

Offer a prayer to the gods of long distant propagation!
Uncovering receivers and receiving antennas!

Henrich Hertz mit uns!

Roman, RW3ADB

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