ZDR Lubomir & all MF's!
Started my grabber ON
on 503780-503820 in QRSS-10.
What if?
* Lubomír Bobalík <[email protected]> [Tue, 10 Jun 2008
19:05:38 +0200]:
Hello OM´s on 600m!
I am testing my new receiving aerial for 600m. I have seen beacon
whole day (!) and signal on 504kHz from Dublin as well. It seems, that
aerial is sensitive and doing well, but it will be fine to test it on
any ham signal from UK. Can anybody from UK switch transmitter on in
beaconing mode QRSS3 this night? Many thanks in advance!
Lubos, OK2BVG, Breclav
Roman RW3ADB.
Авторамблер -- полноприводный сайт http://autorambler.ru/