Dear Wolf et alii,
search the internet for H-mode-mixer, there are some proposals of an Italian
and Japanese station.
Or just use any fast analog switch with high operation voltage (5V...18V) with
fast switching times. An H-Mode-Mixer is an H-Bridge of an switch mode
power-Supply. The disadvantage of theese mixers is that most of the fast
circuits You get only in SMD-Outline at distributors like Farnell and RS
Comonents. Farnell has an interesting Fairchild-Circuit fo this purpose; FST
3125; for Longwave it is possible to use 4066 (CMOS) too. DJ1ZB has tried it
for qrp-circuits.
[email protected] schrieb am 05.01.05 21:47:27:
Wolf DL4YHF wrote:
> P.S: Andy G4JNT mentioned a mixer using fast analog switches with a
> low on-resistance some months ago, unfortunately I couldn't find the
> message on my harddisk. Anybody remember the chip name ?
I don't know which chip was mentioned by Andy, but I have used with
great success
in my SDRadio project the Analog Devices ADG704, with a typical Rdson
of about 2.5 ohm. The chip is available from RS Components.
73 Alberto I2PHD
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