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Re: LF: Effective antenna height?

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: Effective antenna height?
From: Claudio Pozzi <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2017 15:11:14 +0200
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
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On Saturday 23 September 2017 11:18:21 you wrote:

> Knowing the effective height of a Marconi antenna is essential in the

> calculation of radiated power /antenna efficiency at LF/MF. The

> formula for this includes figures for the capacitance to ground of

> the vertical and horizontal wires. The result being somewhere between

> 50% and 100% of the actual height.


> As long as I have been interested in LF - over 20 years - I have seen

> (and used) a figure of 5pF/m for the capacitance of the horizontal

> wire and 6pF/m for the vertical wire. However, I have recently been

> asked how this figure originated, and must admit that I don't

> remember. Was it amateur experimentation, or a professional source

> such as the Admiralty Handbook? The very first amateur UK LF book, a

> slim spiral bound volume by Peter Dodd, may have the answer but I

> don't have a copy. Peter's bigger follow-up book, The Low Frequency

> Experiemnter's Handbook, published in 2000, already takes these

> figures as understood.


> Can anyone help, please?


> Mike, G3XDV

> ==========


The navy VLF books are downloadable from this link:


But the VLF bible in my opinion is this book, with wires capacity formulas and tables:


Arthur D. Watt, VLF Radio Engineering, Pegamon Press 1967


Also the capacity of 2 or more parallel top loading wires are here.


73 de Claudio, IK2PII



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