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Re: LF: Re: OPDS 32...

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: OPDS 32...
From: "Markus Vester" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:58:29 +0100
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Yas, Alex, Stefan,
opds decodes with correlation peaks just above 15 dB are on the borderline, and there's always a chance for false positives. The implicit downside of the use of a template list is that a false detection always shows a valid callsign, known to be active on LF.
Often the false ones don't just come "out of the blue" (ie plain noise), and inspecting the spectrogram can be enlightening. The bogus detection of RA3YO was probably a partial correlation, associated with a prior strong reception from JP1ODJ:
2013-10-27 12:17:23 RA3YO   7813km 137569.599Hz   8mHz -50.5dBOp  66% 15.4dB
2013-10-27 11:59:21 JP1ODJ    43km 137569.966Hz   4mHz -22.2dBOp 100% 21.1dB
Opds does have a built-in mechanism to suppress such aliases. But they can still occasionally come through if opds happens to trigger on a spurious peak contained in the skirts of the strong signal.
2013-10-27 16:01:02 VE7BDQ  7566km 137572.172Hz   3mHz -46.2dBOp  99% 15.0dB
There seems to be a permanent line on Yas' waterfall, but this one dosn't seem to match one of the known Loran line frequencies for the area: 
If you see strong Loran lines, and your receiver and samplerate are very accurately calibrated, you can tell opds to ignore them by enabling and editing the lorangri=<GRI list> and lorantol=<tolerance> lines in opds.ini. 
Best 73,
PS: Nothing at all wrong with Mal's opinion, everything in life is "guess-work" to some extent ;-) 

Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: LF: Re: OPDS 32...

Oooh! Markus? What now?
Hopefully Mal don't see it ;-)

73, Stefan

Am 27.10.2013 17:46, schrieb Alex R7NT:

Воскресенье, 27 октября 2013, 17:28 +01:00 от Stefan Schäfer :
2013-10-27 11:52:13 UA0AET 4175km 137580.826Hz 15mHz -44.8dBOp 95% 17.2dB
2013-10-27 12:17:23 RA3YO 7813km 137569.599Hz 8mHz -50.5dBOp 66% 15.4dB   !!!
ERROR  :-(
2013-10-27 16:01:02 VE7BDQ 7566km 137572.172Hz 3mHz -46.2dBOp 99% 15.0dB   
VE7BDQ's Sunrise abt 15z
I think there is a real chance for VE7BDQ to appear at YV7MAE! Must be best during 7...10 UTC

Looks like RA3YO made the best distance in that mode so far (?).

73, Stefan/DK7FC

73! Alex R7NT
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