My wild bet is on RMP / Kaliningrad Naval Base.
Before we moved down to 472...479 kHz I kept an ear on the proposed
band over a year or so. Back then RMP made quite regular "RTTY"
transmissions with center frequency 474.0 kHz. Usually starting
transmissions in "RTTY-keyed" CW so the callsign could be copied by
ear. They vanished from the QRG before amateur activity started and I
thought it might have had something to do with the new allocation.
I remember this so well because I laughed at all the fears of hams
"jamming" aero-NDB's, while this firethrower blasted away spot on the
"BIA" carrier.
Anyone with DF-capability that can check if Kaliningrad in on the
As a curiosity RMP is also sending WX etc. in CW on 583.0 kHz,
starting 16.00 UTC as far as I have noticed. Can be copied here on the
AM car-radio on 585 kHz if there is a suitable BC-carrier on 585 kHz
acting as a beat oscillator. (This is how i found them by accident
years ago)
Paul-Henrik, OH1LSQ