tonight my antenna is disconnected because of the thunder and
lightning show above our heads.
I copied your beacon last night 529.
73, Rik ON7YD - OR7T
Quoting James Moritz <[email protected]>:
Dear LF Group,
As art of continuing investigations into antennas, grounds, etc., I am
running a beacon at the moment on 503.5kHz - I am testing a small "/P"
antenna similar to what G3CWI proposed to use a couple of weeks back. It is
a 9m high "umbrella" with 4 x 5m long top loading wires sloping at about
45degrees. Ground system is 4 x 20m radial wires.
The beacon is transmitting an 8wpm CW identifier, followed by five 5 second
dashes at reducing power levels in steps of 6dB. The maximum ERP is
somewhere in the region of 100mW ERP. The sequence repeats every 2 mins
I'll leave it running until after dark at least - any reports would be very
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU