If I got it right their ran 5kW into a 20m dish at 2.4GHz.
The dish gain should be about 50dBd.
50dB = 100000 times power gain, thus ERP = +/- 500MW
The distance to Venus (today) is 0.281 AU = 42 milion km = 26.1 milion miles
Total distance is 82 milion km / 52.2 milion miles, what makes it +/-
0.1 miles per Watt.
That value is not spectacular at all, but take into account that Venus
is a pretty bad reflector and the signal hasto go twice trough the
atmoshpere and ionospere.
73, Rik ON7YD
Quoting Dave Pick <[email protected]>:
How many miles per Watt is that?!!
Dave 'YXM
2009/3/26 <[email protected]>
Greetings everyone,
Not really LF, but QRSS...
A group of radio amateurs from AMSAT-DL has successfully transmitted a
(very short) message in QRSS, consisting of the two letters "HI" (im
memoriam of old OSCARS) to Venus on 2.4 GHz, and received the reflection.
Each TX/RX over lasted for about 5 minutes (the travelling time). The
transmitter was a 5 kW magnetron disciplined to a narrow-band transmitter.
Details on the AMSAT-DL website. The German HR TV will send a documentation
tonight at 19:30 (local). The EVE (Earth-Venus-Earth) details follow
tomorrow on Hessischer Rundfunk.
(from the IUZ in Bochum)
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