Hi Bob
Well done to all to receiving UTALE Beacon thats great news,and good luck
for Saturday to try and make the two way.
Been and visited Nat ZL3VN while here was good to catch up with him and had a
look at his TV sync tunning set up for low freq.
Ok catch you later
From: "Vernall" <[email protected]>
Date: 2004/03/18 Thu AM 09:10:15 GMT+13:00
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: UATLE received in ZL
Hi all,
The news from ZL this morning is that myself, Andrew ZL2BBJ and Mike ZL4OL
each got good copy of the UATLE beacon between about 1430 UTC and sunrise
(1830 UTC). Myself and ZL2BBJ received in suburban Wellington (nominal path
length 10300 km), ZL4OL is in a rural district north of Dunedin (nominal
path length 10750 km).
As already advised, Andrew and myself are setting up at the Quartz Hill club
station on Saturday to try for a two-way contact with UA0LE. We now have
ZM2E as a special call sign for 136 kHz.
73, Bob ZL2CA