Hi Steve
If you could listen out for me on normal cw, slowest speed about 4wpm. Give
me a suitable time and freq on 136 khz and I will fire up in your
direction. I have been heard out in your direction by a /mm
operator some time back.
73 de Mal/G3KEV
Hi Mal,
I'd be delighted to give it a try at some point. A few things need to be in
place (or in some cases, out of place, like thunderstorms) and I'd need to
be seeing the QRSS guys regularly to be sure that conditions are 'up'
enough to try. Best times from last year were around 0400z, I'm afraid
(one area where the 'puter modes definitely win!). Have ears, have filters.
Your best bet would be Jack. He's probably 10 - 20dB 'closer' than I am.