At 01:03 PM 12/8/00, Rik ON7YD wrote:
Hello Bill,
Congrats on the QRSS reception of LEK. A distance of 1500km seems very good
for just 1W input. Would be interesting to know at what time you copied
LEK. CFH (on Canadian naval station on 137kHz) had a very huge peak in the
UK on 6 december arround 6UT.
It was just before our local sunup - around 6 am EST or 1100 utc.
I did another run last night and got very good copy throughout the
first part of the recording session 5:15 am thru 7:00 am EST.
I extracted some of the raw data if anyone wants to look at it
with a spectral display. It's a lot to download, about 1 Megabyte,
byte if you're interested you can get it off my webpage:
Bill VE2IQ