Dear LFers,
I have just discovered that the last part of the Puckeridge log for
G3WSC/G3GRO for 15/ 16th April was not transmitted with my earlier report
for some reason so here is the missing section including the QSO with Alex,
UB5WF !! :-
15/04/00 G3WSC running 10W ERP, Two-Way 136Khz
(12-20 UTC) DF7VX RST (sent) 249/559 (rcvd); (13-06)
DL3FDO 569/569; (13-15) GI3PDN 579/599+ ;
(13-34) G4JNT 599/599+; (13-42) EI0CF 579/599+20dB;
15/04/00 G3GRO running 10W ERP 73Khz/136Khz Cross-band
(14-00) EI0CF 579/ 58-99 ; (14--16) GI3PDN 579/579
16/04/00 G3WSC running 50W ERP Two-way 136Khz
(10-05) DK8KW 439/599+24dB; (10-17) PA0SE 559/599+20dB;
(10-39) DF0WD 449/599; (10-45) DF7VX 349/599
(10-55) G6NB 569/599; (11-17) SM6PXJ 449/599;
(11-18) PA2NJN 449/599
16/04/00 G3WSC running 50W ERP 136Khz cross-band to 7.011Mhz
(11-36) G4FKK 599/599+; (11-42) IK1HSS 589/559; (11-46)
G6RC 599/599+20dB; (11-53) DL8AAM 589/559
((11-58) GJ4CBQ 589/599; (12-04) GU3SQX 589/599;
(12-10) DL1YD 599/569; (12-18) G4ASR 599/599
(12-32) UB5WF 589/429 ( Alex , locator KN58JK )
16/04/00 G3GRO running 30W ERP 73Khz cross-band to136Khz
(14-35) DK8KW 449/569; (15-05) PA0SE 579/599;
(15-22) PA0BWL 569/559
16/04/00 G3GRO running 30W ERP 73Khz two-way - (15-30) G4YXM
QRT 15-45 UTC
Thanks to all those who sent in signal reports and comments. A special QSL
card is being produced ASAP
Pse QSL via the Buro or direct to : Derek Atter, G3GRO/G3WSC, 1, Little
Crabtree, West Green, Crawley , Sussex, RH11 7HW UK.
73, On behalf of all the Crew at Puckeridge - Derek
Atter, G3GRO