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LF: Virus Warning: CLEZ found in zipped PIFattachment

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Virus Warning: CLEZ found in zipped PIFattachment
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 09:06:10 EST
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Dear group,

I received a mail today with a *.PIF file attachment which contained the CLEZ virus.
Fortunately, due to NOT USING MS Outlook here, no harm was produced, and the anti virus software alerted me immediately.

The sender of the infected mail claimed to be "[email protected]" which is definitely not true. Maybe someone's PC with my address in the address list is infected so be alert.

The mail itself did not have any text body, and the title was "Don't drink so much beer" or something like that.

 Wolf  DL4YHF.
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