Dick Rollema schrieb:
To All from PA0SE
Joe, VO1NA wrote:
>PA0SE was detected around 2300 and was full O copy
>at 0200.
Joe also sent me a screenshot directly :
Screenshots were also received from M0BMU, G3AQC, EA1PX and CT1DRP, all
showing excellent copy of my 140mW EMRP signal. EA1PX reported he even
could hear me!
Many thanks to all who responded!
I have been trying to copy VO1NA's signal during several nights. Though
there were traces of his signal at the beginning of the night and also
around dawn, none were good enough for a QSO.
I cannot use ARGO because it requires a sampling rate of 5512kHz and that
is not supported by the soundcard, as I found out with I2BHD's help (tnx
again Alberto).
I therefore use SPECTRAN at a sampling rate of 8000kHz and a bandwidth of
But I don't think that explains the poor copy. I think the local noise
level is too high. The level fluctuates somewhat with time and it was
during a low that I could detect, but not read, Joe's signal.
Perhaps when better propagation is present I will succeed in making a
two-way with Joe.
I hope Alan will tell us when that is the case.
In he meantime congratulations to those accomplished a QSO with Joe.
73, Dick, PA0SE
Hi Dick,
so you did not rcv my screenshot (.bmp 1,2MB) ?