Rik -
I have the means to monitor the 16kHz signal continuously at a very low
sampling rate, ie 3.90625 Hz plus multiples higher, and store several hours
of I/Q sampled raw data to disc. From these samples, the phase of the
signal and doppler shift etc can be recovered. However, at only 200km from
the transmitter I am not sure of the value of monitoring from my location.
Andy Talbot G4JNT
From Jean-Jaqcues Delcourt, ON5PG, who is working as scienticif researcher
at the Belgian Royal Meteorologic Institute I received following request :
My dear Rik,
Have you the possibility of monitoring the GBR signals on 16 KHz ???
We have a very special pattern during the sunrise at an altitude of 80 Km
between 3 et 5 UT .
We ignore if it is an interference between the sky wave and the ground wave
or an absorption only due to a specific chemical reaction .
If it is a sky wave - ground wave interference , you certainly have not the
same as us ....
Many thanks .
Jean Jacques .
Unfortunately my RX is limited to 30kHz, but I suppose that a lot of
readers of this reflector can tune down to 16kHz and might be interested to
Those who have the means and want to help Jean-Jacques (by recording GBR at
sunrise) are kindly requested to send me a short mail. I will collect all
responses and forward them to Jean-Jacques so he can send you more
detailled information.
I know this request is a bit 'out of line', but I think that it is good
for the image of amateurradio if we can cooperate in scientific projects.
73, Rik
Rik Strobbe ON7YD
[email protected]
Villadreef 14 B-3128 Baal BELGIUM (JO20IX)