Dick, PA0SE wrote:
I am a bit amazed that the signal is "only" -33 dBm because at my QTH the
signal has exactly the same strength but I am 500 km from DCF39!
I use a Wandell & Goltermann PSM-5 Pegelmessplatz.
Hello Dick,
well, preparing my db/dbm/uV/S-unit chart yesterday I thought about those
units and I think that I have to correct my DCF39 report. The manual of my
MV61 Pegelmesser says, the reading is in dB (not dBm), referring to a
voltage of 0.775 V being 0 dB. That means, that, if I compare my -33 dB
(0.775 V/ 75 Ohm) are -23 dBm(75), we already got 10 dB of the missing 18
dB. The rest could well be my higher total losses, that are currently in
the range of 80 Ohms (I got them down from 100 Ohm with a buried 20m radial
and a 2.4m long ground rod). Additionaly to that I have a 4m long ground
rod plus the central heating and waterpipe system connected together, but
there still is some room for more radials (and I still got plenty of
I hope that I am right with my dB report, I got confused myself with all
those different units (and being a poor petroleum and drilling engineer I
have no professional link to our hobby ;-)
Best 73
Geri, DK8KW (W1KW)