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LF: LF Receive performance

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: LF Receive performance
From: "Walter Blanchard" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 09:27:15 +0100
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Entirely agree with Dave's remarks re S meters etc.I'd written an almost exactly similar email but hadn't got around to sending it.  Amazingly,  in spite of  the facts, DCB39 (or whatever it is) is the same here;  S9+20db; noise is S3; etc. However, I'm using an ICOM 737 (which is completely useless on 136 straight-through) with a 26db gain VERY SELECTIVE (250 Hz) front-end ahead of it which transforms its performance. It handles linearly the output from almost any length of wire I choose to shove at it as an antenna because nearly all the selectivity is applied before the signal gets as far as the amplifier grid.  "Grid" ???? - being an oldie and by definition not knowing anything about modern wirelesses, sorry, electronics,  I built it using a device I DO know about - an E180F valve.  Now all I have to do is to get my old  4-400 HF linear retuned to 136 and there'll be even more QRM.
BTW, (what does that mean, by the way?)  while attempting to calibrate the 737 S-meter so I knew roughly what it meant I discovered it has quite a temperature coefficient - between cold and warm it drifts 10 db.  So probably many others do as well, since all these Japanese rigs seem to be designed by a central design bureau and the only real difference between them is the front panel design. Oops, shouldn't I have said that?
Walter G3JKV

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