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Re: VLF: here no results from DK7FC's 8th experiment

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: VLF: here no results from DK7FC's 8th experiment
From: "Horst Stöcker" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2010 09:46:56 +0200 (CEST)
Importance: normal
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Hello Daniele,
the broadband capture is missing. In the attachment I just found two usr files that I will try after receiving SAQ this morning.
Possibly it's just one single noise source here at the QTH. I know this problem at my preferred portable QTH for UHF: When I first tried to receive natural radio at this site some years ago there was more (audible!) noise than here at home.
I tried almost any VLF dedicatet usr file that I could find in SpecLab and here in the reflector. I had all alphas well visible.
I bet it's a local noise problem that possibly cant'be fixed.
The Mini Whip is a big step forward indeed comparing with my T-Marconi fed directly into the soundcard, into my MV-62 selective level meter and into my homebrew preamp with band pass.
I am looking forward to your broadband capture.
vy73 Horst DO1KHS/DI2AN

Von: "Daniele Tincani" <[email protected]>
Gesendet: 23.10.2010 19:37:32
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: VLF: here no results from DK7FC's 8th experiment

Hello Horst, I live in a very noisy sub-urban area too (in JN53EM). Lots of power lines, a motorway, a railway and tens of small factories are around here just within a few hundreds meters. I attach a broadband capture I did some days ago over > 12 hours just to give you an idea of the hum level at my QTH :-)
Nevertheless, I managed to have a fairly good reception of first Stefan's 8970Hz tx today. For this reception I used a very simple-to-build loop design from Renato Romero and Marco Bruno ( Please consider that my loop sits simply on my balcony on the 5th floor of a 6-floors tall building, with a nicely open view towards the sea, from south-west to north. It is only a few meters from home mains, PC, TV, etc..
I think that some hum reduction (which happens in the morning), great quality of Stefan's signal and digital processing in SpecLab all play a decisive role. For SpecLab, I attach here the USR files that I used today for 8970 and 6470, they were kindly sent to me by Stefan and I found there has been a great improvement in signal readability at 8970, compared with my previous reception (during 7th experiment) in fairly similar conditions.
With my best whishes for a good reception on next trasmission experiment :-)
Best regards

From: Horst Stöcker <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sat, October 23, 2010 7:11:21 PM
Subject: VLF: here no results from DK7FC's 8th experiment

Hello all, congrats to Stefan and all who had success in receiving his signals.
I had no success in receiving Stefans tests. This time I used a mini whip with my IBM laptop soundcard. Normally this is a real step forward in my RX setup for VLF. The one I got from Roloef (many thanks) is optimized for VLF reception. Much better than any antenna I tested before. All three Alphas are well vissible. But obviously the noise level is to high here at my home QTH, indeed. I supposed that before. Now I know.
I do not think that I can find a better position for the antenna. It's now about 8 m above ground, mounted in a 2m PVC tube on an old chimney.
So I can find just one conclusion: All of you who could reveive Stefans transmissions must be living more or less on the countryside. Or should it be that I have the pity to live in such a noisy urban environment?
Next time I will have to go to the countryside, too.
Looking forward to SAQ tomorrow. I received SAQ many times and this time with the mini whip it will be easyer then ever.
vy73 Horst DO1KHS/DI2AN

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