Sorry Pete
Not back till round 1630
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: LF: OPERA MONITOR Now ?
Am now sending op4 on 500 at 1/2 intervals on the hour and 1/2 hour very
approx. Can you report please if available will try to keep it on most of
73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX
RX set 500.000 usb , running
OP4 and WSPR rx at the moment
GL !... G ..
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: LF: OPERA MONITOR Now ?
Hi all
While you are all testing Graham's theory on optimum band usage could you
report my OP4 transmissions. I am using the stand alone PIC 'JNT designed
Opera keyer switching my all Valve (Tube for our Cousins) TX.
Power now increased to four (4) Watts O/P from the original 1Watt at the
antenna up lead. Antenna up lead abt 40 ft x 128ft long E/W. from
73 Pete M0fmt.
73 es GL Pete M0FMT IO91UX