James Moritz schrieb:
Dear LF Group,
I successfully tested Jason 0.92 with 1.2kW TX out last night (If anyone
was listening, at around 0400 - don't ask!). So I will give it a go tonight
if anyone is interested. I will try and catch IK2DED on 137.52 - otherwise
I'll try 137.510kHz. The frequency seems to be accurate within 1Hz or so,
although it is a bit hard to tell. The waterfall display looks a lot
clearer in the latest version, and the USB/LSB options checked out fb as well.
If any of the North American guys would like to try for trans-atlantic
Jason reception, I could run a beacon signal for a few hours around
midnight - frequency perhaps 135.910 (4Hz BW). Let me know if this is of
any interest, and whether this frequency is any good at your end.
BTW, I think I asked before, but don't recall any responses - can anyone
recommend PSK31 software that has the TX phase keying signal available as a
logic level output? Since my TX will generate BPSK with appropriate
envelope shaping I would like to try this mode; but a sound card output
would be a bit messy - demodulate the audio signal, recover the phase data,
feed into LF TX modulator... a bit of wire would be so much easier!
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU
Hi Jim,
cnfm ur transmission on 137.51kHz. see attached pic.