Dave Pick schrieb:
Mal et al.
I have "The Matrix" on my web-site, it doesn't cater for 1-ways and I've not
added many cross-bands but it's supposed to be a record of the first QSO
between each pair of countries. If anyone knows of any that aren't recorded,
please let me know.
It's at http://www.wireless.org.uk/matrix.htm
By the way, my remark about Andy's transmission was "tongue in cheek", I
think a problem we have on this reflector is that people are too ready to
take things literally and go off on a wobbler....
Too many colloquialisms?
A new campaign!
Let's make Sunday, "CW actrivity day", people listen then and if they hear
nothing they won't bother to get on the band.....
> Hi All
> Is there anyone out there keeping any records about TA activity and
> countries worked by LF operators. >
Hi Dave,
hint: ur logbook "stations worked..." contains DK8WX instead of DJ8WX.