From: Roger Lapthorn
<[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, 26 April, 2011 9:10:44
Subject: Re: LF: PLAYED OUT
Hi Mal.
G3XIZ continues to improve his station and has been copied at decent range on
DFCW this weekend. Others, like me, are finding out more and more about
through-the-ground VLF communications and are regularly copying UK and European
stations on 8.97kHz by radiated DX. You've only to look on the news page of the
Sub 9kHz Amateur Radio website to see just how much is going on on VLF. See
Certainly 10m has been very good lately, with WSPR reports from around the
planet with my 5W (or less) and a small wire halo antenna. 6m and 4m Es DX is
also about to start and I'm hoping for some QRP DX on 4m with my homebrew transverter.
In my view it is not either/or but all and more.
Good luck on whichever end of the spectrum you experiment Mal.
Roger G3XBM
On 26 April 2011 08:19, mal hamilton <[email protected]>
Activity very
poor over the easter weekend on VLF/LF/MF whereas all the other amateur bands
were buzzing and some long haul acty on 10 metres.
Maybe it is
time to abandon the lower frequencies and concentrate on the higher end like
10, 6 and 4 metres.
The results
on VLF es LF es MF currently do not justify the effort, VLF acty from the UK especially
poor in spite of several stations being permitted to operate on the 9
khz band.