Hello Hugh,
let me thank you, aswell all the other LFers for reports!
See that my wspr transmission, despite the low power, can be received
and decoded makes me happy :-)
On Halloween eve I had my troubles with RF tricks while looking to
finish the fine tuning of the antenna on MF getting very strange
readings probably for a bad ground connection.. as usual when such
things happens I stop the task and start to mumbling, the day after
everything was selfcured and was again able to start to send HIHI the
Halloween was passe and troubles too!
Just for info to you dear listners the TX has power out of 25 W,
antenna current is 0.7A. The antenna is a 10m "tall" vertical with 100m
of topload (2x5 sloping wires 10m long) resonated on MF with a coil
between the radiator and the top hat, plus a switchable base coil to
resonate all on LF; the antenna is hung to my mast (2m on the side of
the radiator) and is placed on a 600m² metal roof at 35m from ground
level, if you wish to see it from the sky, please hit the link
Now is time to finish the MF rig.
Thanks again everybody for reports
73 Marco IK1HSS
----Messaggio originale----
Da: [email protected]
Data: 2-nov-2016 11.58
A: <[email protected]>
Ogg: LF: LF report for IK1HSS overnight 2-3 Nov.
137.452kHz, WSPR2:
From 0000 to 0402 last night, IK1HSS was received with s/n between
and -31dB.
73, Hugh, M0DSZ