Excellent results from the week's test !
Q would it be possible to maintain the same time slots ? one of the
past observations was round , ' how do you know the tx was on the air
at that time '
Rain stopped play ...
That's a pity , signal where on the way up !,
2016-08-12 02:25:01 VO1NA AA LA3EQ JO28XJ 0 136 -36
Op32_||||_~36dB 2016-08-12
01:50:01 VO1NA AA LA3EQ JO28XJ 0 136 -38 Op32__~38dB 2016-08-12
01:15:00 VO1NA AA LA3EQ JO28XJ 0 136 -40 Op32__~40dB
reporting has become very dispersed , running the Opera app on a
wb-linked pc , is at the moment, the only way to ensure all spots decodes
and detections are collected .. setting 136 and band only , will
collect only 136 spots , with the '??' or not , authentication check
compares spot arrival times from other users
'??' = un-validated , local check may be made using the frequency /
time , a unique spot may still be valid . remote tx sites , may provide a
local off air decode, which in turn, provides a time reference stamp ,
as was this event . a useful spin off from the wspr project , time
locked pc's are very common ! noting the system validates in real time ,
not pc time ..[ no cheating hihi]
17:49 477 IK1HGI de G0NBD Op8 Deep Search 767 mi -36 dB in 1523.9 Hz
17:48 477 IK1HGI de IK1HGI Op8 0 mi -19 dB F:12% in Cerano Beacon Ultimatu3
PA 1 Watt Ant.Logwire 1522,0 Hz
From: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 11:17 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Opera32 receptions
Hi Graham, Michel and Max. Thanks for the reports. The new aerial was
in use last night until a lightning storm around 0300 ut.
Will be on again tonight.
73 Joe VO1NA
On Fri, 12 Aug 2016, Michel Brunel wrote:
From my /P location in western Normandy IN99EF:
02:24 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -27 dB
---| Fade: 1%
02:10 136 VO1NA Op32 Deep Search -43 dB 1477,1 Hz
01:49 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -31 dB
- - - ----- -----------| Fade: 18%
01:14 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -25 dB
------------------- ------------- ---- -------| Fade: 3%
00:39 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -23 dB
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Fade: 3%
00:04 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -29 dB
|------ --------------------- --------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Fade: 5%
*********** 12/08/2016 ***********
23:29 136 VO1NA Op32 1477,1 Hz -32 dB
| -- - -- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Fade: 13%
23:26 136 G8HUH Op32 1489,9 Hz -17 dB
---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
Fade: 6%
*********** 11/08/2016 ***********
Michel - f5wk