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LF: OP-32 activity

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: OP-32 activity
From: "SV8CS- Spiros Chimarios" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:51:57 -0000
Importance: Normal
In-reply-to: <004501ce6fd7$8df7eb90$0201a8c0@marco09cqcdi12>
References: <4E440020B8BA46EC9F38518A9E27DE23@AGB> <DF719637805B4703AB1466C77D282A4C@SV8CSHP> <004501ce6fd7$8df7eb90$0201a8c0@marco09cqcdi12>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Hi Marco.
TNX for report OP-32.
I need a QSO on 136KHz with Italy (QRSS-30, or QRSS-10)
73, Spiros
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 6:04 AM
Subject: LF: Re: OP-32 activity
Hi Spiros & LF!
last night I made first attempt to Opera decode...
Unfortunately since some time I have a local noise which makes recption very interesting.. (huge humming snake) this makes the S/N very bad..
Davide, I1DDS, was so kind to put out  a refrence signal to test the setup:
2 wspr2 transmissions gave 1 no decode and 1 -9dB
an opera 8 trial was successful with -12 dB (qrb 8 km...)
this should give an idea of the noise level, and makes therefore me happy because was able to decode 3 transmissions of Spiros!
05:24    136 SA4DQS Op32 -38 dB
03:59    136 JH6MAZ Op32 -38 dB
03:55    136 FD1UGA Op32 -38 dB
02:48    136 SV8CS Op32 -29 dB
01:08    136 SV8CS Op32 -35 dB
    ***********  23/06/2013  *********** 
23:29    136 SV8CS Op32 -37 dB
20:35    136 I1DDS Op8 -12 dB
    ***********  22/06/2013  ***********
Further to decodes of Spiros I had also other decodes which are to be kept for next April 1st...
Of course, under those circumstances, no decodes of VO1NA... sorry Joe!
73, Marco IK1HSS
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 4:36 AM
Subject: LF: OP-32 activity
Hi to All.
My signal reports OP-32.
02:48    136 SV8CS de G0KTN Op32 2358 km -38 dB in Bath, UK IO81 with 0.3w + Marcon
02:48    136 SV8CS de G3XDV Op32 2260 km -31 dB in Welwyn, IO91VT with 0.3w + Marco
02:48    136 SV8CS de IK1HSS Op32 1361 km -29 dB in  with 0.3w + Marconi"T" 28mV/40
02:48    136 SV8CS de GW0EZY Op32 2488 km -32 dB in Welshpool IO82HO with 0.3w + Ma
01:09    136 SV8CS de IK1HSS Op32 1361 km -35 dB in  with 0.3w + Marconi"T" 28mV/40
01:09    136 SV8CS de GW0EZY Op32 2488 km -37 dB in Welshpool IO82HO with 0.3w + Ma
01:09    136 SV8CS de G3XDV Op32 2260 km -37 dB in Welwyn, IO91VT with 0.3w + Marco
23:29    136 SV8CS de IK1HSS Op32 1361 km -37 dB in  with 0.3w + Marconi"T" 28mV/40
21:49    136 SV8CS de G3XDV Op32 2260 km -39 dB in Welwyn, IO91VT with 0.3w + Marco
73, Spiros/SV8CS
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