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LF: Frequency Check

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Frequency Check
From: "hvanesce" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2013 09:20:34 -0700
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My stable/accurate time reference (GPSDO) should arrive in two weeks; in the meantime I am hoping to use 11904.76190 Hz (per your suggestion, thanks) to assess my soundcard clock frequency offset. I have been guessing (based on comparison with another uncalibrated but stable oscillator) that the frequency offset of my soundcard gives less than 1Hz error at 11904.76190 kHz.


I have attached a screenshot captured over the last 24 hours, showing a modulated signal centered at an indicated frequency (red marker) of 11905.1884 which would have a 0.426 Hz offset from 11904.76190 Hz.


The signal seems to be fading about 40dB on a 24-hour cycle, with a minimum at ~ 2000 UT (clock times in my screen capture are Arizona time, UT – 7 hours).


Could the modulated signal shown here be the 11904.76190 Hz signal?


73,  Jim AA5BW

Attachment: 131230 015158.2 11904.76190 Hz.jpg
Description: JPEG image

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