G'day Mal (alias BIG KEV),
Although you have brought some humorous technical arguments to this
reflector for the amusement of many, it is sad to chronicle the
deterioration of such a leading light as yourself. By your own
definitions you have deteriorated into a lazy CW operator, nodding off to
sleep in QSOs, and have become a self-categorised Grade 3 operator (see
pronouncements from your own good self below). By your own standards you
have become a nuisance using slow CW at high powers (see below). By your
own pronouncements you have engaged in the sordid activity of getting
confirmations of a machine-generated mode from a digital receiving system
using computer means on a video monitor (see below).
I hope the deterioration has not reached a stage where you are incapable
through some infirmity to acknowledge the hard work done by others to blaze
a pioneering path (in the face of your harassment) which you now utilise for
your own aggrandisement. That would be a sad spectacle.
But I am sure that someone who is apparently BIGGER in almost every aspect
is big enough to acknowledge that you are riding on the back's of the
pioneers and hard workers which you so roundly chastised in the past.
Then again I could be wrong - maybe the only thing big about you is the size
of your antennas, your real-estate or the amount of watts you pump into the
ether. I hope not.
The world according to BIG KEV :-
"To date all qrss activity that I have seen could be
copied on normal aural cw at my qth. I suppose if one has a poor
antenna, low power and a noisy qth then maybe qrss is the only way if
you must work on 136 khz. Fortunately I do not have these problems.
73 de Mal/G3KEV"
"Qrss is discouraging experimenters from improving their antennas,
receivers and associated equipment to make a normal aural qso. It is also
encouraging nodding off (sleeping) during the hours that it takes to get a
OOO, OXO etc
I hope the lazy mans cw will not prevail above 20 khz !!!
73 de Mal/G3KEV"
"Is the computer generated qrss send/receive mode recognised for DXCC
purposes, also where does xband qso's fit in. For those seeking glory
there could be a disappointment.
"so that I can hear you
properly and not have to use LAZY MANS CW.
73 de G3KEV"
"Suggested awards for those long haul qso's across the atlantic.
Grade 1......
Grade 2.....
Grade 3
Those using .... and a sophisticated computer generated mode like very slow
Good Luck de G3KEV"
"At present it seems to be the TAIL WAGGING THE DOG with the few trying to
convince the rest of us that we should go to psk, lazy mans cw generated and
displayed by a video monitor, or long long dashes on high power causing qrm
to the rest of potential users of the band
"Beacons and slow cw are a
nuisence especally when using high power and going on for HOURS.
"Considering the bandwith constraints on both 73 and 136 khz the most
efficient method is normal CW whether it be qrs or normal speed where
My suggestion as previously stated it to learn and operate conventional
CW and know your appropriate Q codes and use QRS or normal speed as
73 De G3KEV"
"I tried some 60 sec dot qrs last night for a short time around 2330...
The old system worked very well when everyone was on QRS side by side
73 and Happy New Year to all de Mal/G3KEV"
"...or any advantage
over QRS which takes the minimum bandwith of all the modes to achieve the
object on a very narrow band.
the only suitable mode for this
band is CW, normal speed and QRS.
"Thanks John for the confirmation that my signals were visible and readable
I will be on tonight at the same time 2300 - 0200 approx same qrg 135.922
khz and
qrs 60 sec dots.
de Mal/G3KEV"
"Yes I would like the screen shots please.
de Mal/G3KEV"
73s Steve Olney (VK2ZTO/AXSO - QF56IK : Lat -33 34 07, Long +150 44 40)
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