Hi ...
I think I got some signals when monitoring 135.920. I set up Argo to watch
from 800Hz (135920) to 806Hz (135926), 60 second dot, slow.
Unfortunately, it's summer here so static crashes are really a problem,
peaking -60dBm sometimes. My noise floor is -128dBm durying daytime.
After some days I could select 2 or 3 snapshots where I "wish" to see some
traces. One of them seems to be at 135921,7. There are others.
I'm not shure but is there any freq alocation table (who's where?).
No decode at all but seems that there's something showing up. The days when
this traces are more visible was the same where 153KHz BC was strong here.
I'm not watching 137789,4 yet because my antena doesn't have a good coverage
NA (10dB less than at EU direction).
S. B. do Campo - GG66rf
Active from "DC" to 24GHz